How would I be fulfilled if I don’t fight for what I care for?
Some months ago I wrote a post ("About goals and expectations") , in which I stated that I was stressed out by the feeling of not having achieved my goals. Maybe that’s not it. Maybe it’s that I’m not doing enough in the present.
Some time ago I decided not to focus my energy in the past nor the future. But, if I don’t focus in the present either, how am I going to achieve big things? How am I going to live the life that I want? I know things don’t come free of charge, thinking otherwise would be delusional.
If I don’t pay attention, no one is going to do it. It’s extremely easy to fall into a self-indulgent trap, no self-criticism, there’s always an excuse.
Not that long ago I was talking with a friend about this, and he asked me:
- Why do these things matter so much to you? Why the posts? This is repeatitive theme for you
I didn’t have the answer at the moment, but now I think I maybe have it:
Aspirations and goals matter so much to me because I don’t do what I know I ought to, not because of my status quo respecting my goals. I know I’m not near the best version of myself, and I know I’m not anywhere near what I’m capable of.
For me, the key is going to be “do what you ought to do”. Seek discomfort. In that way, maybe I don’t fulfill my goals, but at least I know I’ve tried. At least I’ve tried with all the consequences.
What we think of as “distractions” aren’t the ultimate cause of our being distracted. They’re just places we go to seek relief from the discomfort of confronting limitation